Jolly x Biela Laba
Táto limtovaná edícia je trvalo vypredaná
The hand-cast Jolly soy candle in a beautiful earthenware containerwas made by a skilled ceramist Katka Jakubčinová known by her brand Biela Laba.
The entire container was custom-designed and glazed specifically for our collaboration..
We wanted to introduce a special product that would be unique and beautiful. After the candle burns out, you can use the container as a unique coffee mug..
“I enjoyed trying out a glazing technique that was completely new to me with a clear goal of creating a glaze that will resemble the reflections of lipstick pigments and highlighters”.
It is produced in a limited edition of 60 pieces Eeach container is numbered at the bottom.
Jolly has a delicious scent of a freshly baked cake. Your home will smell like the spicy notes of clove, cinnamon, and brown sugar.
The scent will underline the Christmas atmosphere.
Are your products vegan?
Yes! They are made from vegetable waxes, natural oils, and mineral pigments. The active ingredients do not contain animal elements.
Our pigment supplier is a member of PETA and has zero tolerance for animals, children, and human cruelty.
What is the manufacturing process of your products?
We manufacture the products in Slovakia. It is a manual production, so do not expect any belt machines or factories. Each product passes through our hands several times before making it into your cosmetic bags.
Prečo je skvelé?
„Toto sérum je stelesnený komfort pre moju pleť. Robí presne to, čo každý večer potrebujem a očakávam od séra – jeho antiagingové zložky počas noci pracujú na hĺbkovej výžive a obnove pleti.
Zvláčňujúci skvalán a ceramidy zasa zjemnia pleť a viditeľne jej navrátia elasticitu a šťavnatosť. Ráno je pleť spokojná, zregenerovaná a pripravená na ďalší deň.
Moje dream-come-true, ľahké, olejové sérum.“
upokojenie pleti
zvláčnenie a výživa pokožky
redukcia vzhľadu vrások
zlepšenie tónu pleti
Active ingredients
Lipid complex
Age-L22 prispieva k hĺbkovej hydratácii vašej pokožky.
Blue Tansy
Má silné protizápalové vlastnosti. Pomáha zmierniť začervenanie.
Poskytujú pleti silnú hydratáciu a posilňujú jej ochrannú bariéru.
Algae Extracts
Stimulujú bunkovú obnovu a bojujú proti známkam starnutia.